Good News

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I have working on raising support to live and work in Zambia for 4 years or more. At this time it looks as if I have enough support committed to live in Zambia. Thank God for His blessing!

What remains to be able to actually live is Zambia is to construct a house on the foundation that was completed in 2014. To this end funds will need to be secured. The second item needed is a new truck. I have one that will suffice for local travel but is not suitable to travel far beyond the district and certainly not to the northern regions.

If any would like to help with these two efforts please let me know.


In calculating how many Zambians have benefitted from the well work that has been and is being done I have a conservative number of 106,500+. The number is higher most certainly but exact numbers in the various villages is difficult if not impossible to ascertain.

Funds have been secured to drill a well in the area of Mufuliri that was visited on this last trip called 14 Mile. No well exists there but drilling one will help the church in that area. Plans are being made to drill it within the next 2 to 3 weeks depending on how the rains go.

Thank you to all who have and will continue to support this work.

God bless!


2 thoughts on “Good News

  1. Thomas Holmes

    Congratulations Charles and Audrey on the blessings to allow your move. We are praying for you. Charles perhaps you can add this information to your power point I will be presenting at the Church Growth Conference in March. See what you can do and focus on the two items left with an amount focused on each separately. i.e. Cost for Truck, or van and more specific, perhaps a Cab that sits 6 with a pick up rear. If you could get a fixed value for one over there. Then on the house cost for different items: i.e. walls $ well $ Electric $ etc. as if you are subcontracting. Perhaps a few photos of the house so far.

    God Bless you, I’ll give you a call in the morning.

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