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Leaders and Wives

We had about 40 present for our leaders workshop. Most of the congregations in the district were represented. There are 17 of them at this time. It was good to see old friends and meet new ones.

The first goal was to encourage the leaders to be students of the Word of God and to lead from the guidance of the scriptures. They were encouraged to “be renewed in the spirit of their minds.” By that was meant that change comes from within. What we are is mostly what we learn about how we see the world and learn to act within it. If we are a people who are informed by God through His word then we can lead from in the inside out. There is a difference in being a boss and being a leader. The second is every bit what you are, perhaps more so, than what we do.

A good bit of the last portions addressed culture and Scripture. Something may be culturally acceptable and yet be contrary to God’s revealed purpose and will. In such cases Scripture teaching must prevail no matter the culture. Polygamy would be an example. Culturally the practice is acceptable but stands at odds with the moral teaching of God in his Word. Culture is not the final arbiter of truth. It was well received.

While our study and fellowship is going on inside there is activity outside. The leaders and wives came for the weekend. They stayed at the building and slept there at night. It also meant that food had to be prepared and served in a timely way so that we could keep (generally) to our schedule and accomplish what we wanted. The ladies of the Siavonga congregation worked to organize, cook and serve the means through the weekend including a congregational meal after the Sunday morning services. They did a really good job. But I did think about the fellowship meal being served back in Chambersburg as I was eating.

Sunday services numbered about 147 present. There was a larger than normal Bible class presence. Audrey’s brother, Tom Holmes, spoke at the morning service from Philippians 2. He had spoken in Central America before so he had used a translator and that did not affect his presentation. Everyone was pleased.

After food and meetings we were finished for the day around 3 pm. We had begun about 10:15. That was the day and we spent the remainder of the day visiting and talking about the week’s activities.

We had planned a church planting tomorrow (Monday). But due to some circumstances that will have to be delayed or cancelled. So we will regroup. I need to meet with the council and talk about our water program. The new mayor (council chairman) wants to meet me so we will be making that contact for the future. We have to get several off on the early bus to begin making purchases with funds provided for the upcoming lectureship.

We also decided that on Tuesday we will visit two sites and repair the wells there. One is in Nabbanda and the other in Mangaba.

More coming…

Mweende kabotu! (go well)


Siavonga, Zambia