4 May
Today is our second day with the church in Kamafwafwa. We will continue with our study in Galatians. Speaking to Zambians is encouraging. They are intense listeners. You can tell from their faces that they are really listening and thinking about what is being said.

I really enjoy listening to Zambians sing. They really enjoy it and it shows.

Teaching/preaching in Zambia is, to me, really fun. It is easy to get them involved in what is going on. Here I am obviously making some brilliant point. At the end of our morning session we have 3 ask for baptism.

I have been really glad to have the chariot with us this year because we can use their baptistry.

Charles did these baptisms. I am going to ask him the purpose of raising his hand when he baptizes someone. I think I may have done that when I was a young preacher. Probably because that was what I had always seen done.
5 May
Today is day 3 of our study of Galatians. I will conclude the study this morning. This afternoon Charles says that we need to spend some time talking about church leadership.

I have to admit, this year I am feeling the miles. I am doing a good bit of my teaching sitting down. But, obviously my teaching is just as brilliant sitting as it would be standing. I am getting up and down depending. Our group numbers in the 50’s at most so we are all fairly close together.

Andrew Loloji, and elder at Kabwe, has done all of the translating for me. He and his wife are from this area originally.

At the end, we conclude that it has been a really productive time with the church here. One lady expressed that I should stay for a year.
After the session I am approached by some of the young people who want to ask me a question or two. It gives me a chance to get to know them. As I am talking with them and asking about their plans I meet a young lady who had to stop school in the 8th grade because there were “no funds” for her to continue. After talking with her and finding out that she would like to finish school and how much might be required I decide that I will provide funds for her to return to school and (eventually) finish grade 12. However, I learn that since it has been a bit since she took her 7th grade exams that they are no longer valid and she must repeat 7th grade.

In the evening the Chariot does their program. It is estimated that the numbers were over 200. No photos however due to the dark.
Tomorrow we head to Kasempa 240 km away.
So far our totals are: 46 baptisms and 9 restorations.
am enjoying these updates…. you are doing much good , and sounds like it is bearing fruit among your Zambian listeners ! Look forward to you giving a report to the congregation when return!