Last Sunday
Today we travel to Chirundu to join them in services. As a group they are struggling due to leadership. Their attendance is often just the young men who have come from the south, 7 or so I am told. So we will come to encourage. They have also tended to avoid working with the other congregations in the district who cooperate really well.
When we arrive they have already begun the Bible Study. There is a good group present. I learn later that they are from Chitanga, Katemungo and the Junction. The total for the day is 88 but only 9 are from Chirundu.
My emphasis is on the inner man. Charles will direct comments at the end toward a couple of issues that need to be raised.
The lesson is well received. One woman who was present who had stopped coming told Charles later that she would be there the next week.
Afterwards Charles spoke for a while and the service ended. By this time it was nearly 2pm. I had hoped to be back in Siavonga by that time to prepare for leaving tomorrow and spend some time talking with Charles about our efforts this year. It was getting toward dark when we arrived back at my lodging.
A brief summary
What were we able to accomplish this year?
1. Leadership seminar – It was successful. The leaders were encouraged to act from the teaching of Scripture.
2. Village Lectureship – Drew lessons from Philippians with emphasis on the inner man and not just the outward appearance. There were 7 baptisms.
3 Well repair – in total we repaired 18 wells providing safe drinking water for 20,000 or more Zambians.
4. Mufulira – A good and helpful effort to strengthen the congregations there. There were 23 restorations as a result. Charles will return there before the end of the year to do some further work.
5. Church planting – we were unable to plant the church in Chitumbi due to the unfortunate death of the village woman in a crocodile attack. This planting will be done within the next 2 weeks. We go the OK to open a congregation in the Dakota area. We will be discussing the timetable for that to be done.
Overall it was a profitable trip. We did not see as many baptisms as normal due to the events in Chitumbi but we did strengthen congregations and continue to sow see through the well work.
Charles and I will put something else together after my return. For now this is my last post in Zambia. Thanks to everyone for their support in this effort. I believe it has been another successful trip.
Mushale kabotu!
Lusaka, Zambia