This is my last post from Zambia. I fly out this evening between 9 and 10 pm and will be back in Houston Wed afternoon.
Thanks for the support and interest. If anyone has questions they can feel free to send them.
11 May
Today is dedicated to travel. We depart Chingola around 9am headed for Kabwe. We arrive in Kabwe about 2:30pm. It is warm today and we are all glad to be finished with the driving.

I should have shown this map before but, to be honest, I did not think of it. You can see the farthest to the west we traveled to Zambezi in the upper left. Kabompo is northeast of Zambezi about 100 km. From there it is another 120 km to Mufumbwe. Kasempa is about 50 km from the main road. I estimate that from Kabwe to Zambezi is roughly 1200 km. The distance from Siavonga to Zambezi would be 1600+ km.
Tonight, is for rest. Tomorrow, we have some errands to run before our program on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
12 May
My first task today is to visit immigration. When I entered the country, they would only grant a 30-day visa. He said I would need to visit immigration to get a few additional days. I was unaware that only 30 days is granted. I will have to investigate a temporary permit if I plan to stay longer on other trips.
We purchase some of the kitchen supplies for the next 3 days of teaching. I also have the chance to meet several of the elders and prominent men of the congregation here in Kabwe.
13 May
Today is the first day of our 3-day teaching in Kabwe.

The attendance numbered about 45. These are all church leaders from Kabwe and some of the surrounding congregations. We expect there will be more in attendance tomorrow. Since today is Friday there are some who must work.
As you can see this church building is very different from those where we have been. Kabwe is a large community. There are members who are professionals.
14 May
Today went well. There were more people present for our sessions. There was good fellowship. However, I am noticing that after 30 days of teaching daily I am a bit weary. The only days that I have not spoken have been those days that we were traveling. On average I have taught/preached 3-4 hours each day. But it has been a really good trip as far as what we have been able to accomplish.

Tomorrow morning there will be church services. I will be preaching the lesson. In the afternoon will be our last session(s) of our study of Galatians.
15 May
This morning I spoke during services. We arrived around 9:30am and they were beginning. I commented that it is the first time I remember a service beginning in Zambia before 10am.

There were 140 present for services (at the end). But I noticed people coming in all during my lesson. After services we broke for lunch. After that was completed, I met with the elders.

They wanted to inform me of their work in the church. They also were looking for some possible financial support in these efforts. I made no commitment.
After our meeting I had my final session teaching the book of Galatians. We ended a bit early because I am scheduled to speak on the radio about 4.

I spoke for most of an hour, and we finished answering some questions. It seems that this broadcast was heard in 3 provinces in Zambia. It will be interesting to see if there is response.
With that, my work here is completed as far as teaching/preaching is concerned. It has been a good effort and, I believe, much good has been accomplished.
17 May
Today is departure date. Sad to be leaving friends and family but looking forward to getting back home. Boy, yesterday was a real “ride.” First thing was to get to immigration and add the 2 days to my visa. That took a couple of hours. Nothing happens quickly when government is involved. We had planned to leave by noon. The next thing was to get a COVID test done (we’ll talk about that another time). That ended up taking the rest of the day so that we finally left Kabwe at just after 5pm. We arrived in Lusaka at just after 8 in the evening. At last we arrived at our lodging and turned in for the night.
To date: 50 baptisms – 26 restorations.
God bless,