church planting

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Greetings….I am working on regular posts. Bear with me please.

In March we began a weekly radio program on the local FM station in Siavonga. It is for 1 hour on Sunday mornings. There have been many phone responses. The result has been 38 baptisms.

We have had calls from as far away as Monze (250 KM) and Mazabuka (150 km). Those contacts have been passed on to the churches in those
towns. We had a number of calls from the Chinkankata area. There is no congregation in that area.

I provided funds and this last Friday Charles Phiri and 3 other men traveled to that area to follow up on the contacts. I have not heard
from him in the interim but I expect that when he reports we will hear that a new congregation has been planted. Good news!

We are considering an English language program where I will be the teacher. I am still talking with Charles about that. Keep these efforts in your prayers.